Since my high school days, I have said a lot on education. Maybe everybody does. The fine thing in this case, is that I have also formulated a fine remedy, formaze.
I dump away, instead of try-to-patch the big-bad education system which existed (in 2002), in an ex-state (essentially dead), with its various, unpatchable, vulnerabilities:
Bottom-line: As long as the person was/is not motivated to learn, he/she will not be motivated to remember, either.
Even the best of pedagogy, is only an abuse, and waste - when it means a gathering of techniques, to manipulate people/children to learn. An exception could be when someone is easily bored but wants to learn a specific topic - for whatever reason(s). But then, we are back to my initial point: That person has at least some sort of motivation - even if not an intrinsic interest in the content. An analogy with psychology, for such an exception, is to help someone give-up cigarette-smoking.
No other non-criminal-case justification is available - as long as pedagogy means a one-sided, tyrannical application - even if with a smile.
Individuals so often, even at university levels, may learn, and even get high grades at material they would not care to learn unless for a diploma, and as such, they will forget any way, unless some other basic motivation keeps it alive - e.g: money, or the risk of losing one's professional license, at the next exam time.
For individuals, education, in so many current cases, either in whole or in part, is something unmotivating by itself, and will most likely get lost, let alone being further developed on - as soon as "the mouse" is out of the set up "laboratory situation."
i.e: Even when "successfully" pedagogized to (study to) learn the stuff, so often, the type of motivation is no different than the way a laboratory mouse is tortured to escape out of a "lab"yrinth. That is what formaze avoids. i.e: We form our own maze, with freedom, with the people we prefer to reach and maze, to walk the way we want, instead of try to internalize any coerced-agenda, which may be set up by some centralized-"authority" who claims your life, in a nation-wide concentration-camp, social-engineered to "unify" people, and/or to "satisfy every need" with the same set of coarse curricula.
A total lack of motivation is encountered, for example, in high schools, and other types of compulsory (or, indirectly-compulsory) educational settings. (A, bizarre, example is, as in Turkey (a 3rd world, human-rights deficient country, anyway), where extra motivations to the university-graduates include, for males, an advantaged position when doing their compulsory military service.)
A partial (lack of) motivation is noticeable, mostly in universities, whether the field in general is desired or not. e.g: In the psychology department, quite a few, if not most, classmates/friends were expressing dislike for learning cognitive psychology (to the extent of a full semester course, at least). Each of us can give a lot of such examples either from our own fields, or from others.
I experienced such examples mostly in high school. Although I liked reading a lot, through encyclopedias, magazines, etc. Learning physics, except a few topics, was never motivating. On the other hand, that "cognitive psychology" example, an unfavorite for others, was the initial reason (or, one of the most motivating), why I went on to psychology, from computer programming - after I had read about neural networks, and thinking. For me, the "PSY228 cognitive psychology" material was not enough - rather, elementary.
And even further: Even when motivated, we should question whether that is what motivates us MOST at the time. You learn ten subjects at once, then you use 2 or 3 among them, if that.
At that point, you have wasted 70-80% of your time, assuming you had anything else that would motivate you better, if left to your own full-free choosing.
There are two growth directions.Possible motivators for learning, exist at both of these directions - for your own, and for pleasing/fitting others:
There is a many-to-many relationship among the ready and the requested. The only gap is to relate the set of ready-for-xyz to request-for-xyz, where the bridge is to be set at work-time, upon agreements. e.g: A requested rating, may already exist with your past work. When the people request that, we turn around to find out whether we are already there, ready to fulfill.
In this system, anyone who may contribute a one-hour (or even one-minuteful) of substantial improvement to anyone at any particular stage of development of that person, may act as a teacher, and may be paid, in return. Some standardization, especially in sequence-forming of well-known fields, of material/content is part of my vision.
In the world we live, the professional certifications is somewhat resembling my ideas, and in fact, may go on to exist at some corner of it, but with the (world-wide) networking of lectures, and the fine-level it is introduced, and to the full-exclusion of any other schooling, my system stands apart.
People try to patch the educational-system, piece-by-piece. I dump it away, altogether. Formaze is a reform, without any links to that big-bad education. This is the ideal, ready reform, startable with a few people, wherever we are. Ready.
I think I have rendered formaze afresh, as any resemblence is at most, tangential. The private lessons, seminars, symposia, and/or testing-centers (ETS, etc.) may resemble formaze. However,
A high-school education, followed by a university, was the system, whereas those others were to aid, in return for an extra quest - quite different than the (seamless) everyday of formaze, for a full time of living, at any age.
An idea, is sometimes referred-to. I have met this in a Byte magazine critic of a book (10-15 years ago), and at a article (in 2002/2003) by MIT's Papert. The idea is to let the learning, go from hands-on to abstract. Not the vice versa.
In fact, as long as that implies an overall suggestion, I do not accept even that idea: Let the individuals decide what amount of abstract-learning, and when, and what amount of hands-on learning they prefer, and when. And do not let the sequence-guidelines be too rigid. i.e: Even when such guidelines exist, they should not be too constraining. The constraints are more (not exclusively but more) preferrably, left at the top-down side. i.e: When needed for contracts with the employers, or as required by the standards-forming authorities (e.g: the list of topics you have to master, for injection, or for heart surgery).
Learning can also be for hobby or entertainment. This has been already recognized as in the term edutainment. I keep this point also in focus. Learning-for-delight is so often not separable from learning-for-earning. Especially so, when we have more time after undoing compulsory education.
Basic distinction in teaching versus testing. You may also learn at home and get tested. This already exists, for some fields. This has been an important point for my system especially after observing the wrongdoings in the real world. i.e: Who is testing whom - if an incapable lecturer administers the exams, too?
And also the relevant observing the outdated education, even to the point of having what has been learned in your first year be renewed by your last year before graduation, especially for medical sciences. Or, "Half of what you learn being outdated in five years." (as quoted by ... from his medical school teacher).
In this system, you can always go back to a single area that you feel you should refresh your knowledge. Not to mention the "60% M.D.s", or the "60% engineers" syndrome, if not worse. I have even known graduate level courses in engineering where people even eventually receiving AA had indeed the grades that would indeed fail. The lecturer, the "teacher" and the "tester" at the same time, whichever component, or probably both, have gone wrong, had adjusted the scores to make the miserable scores passing.
In a world, which leans on big-positions, abuses such as copycat82, the Un-Credible Ph.D. may be catastrophical.
Not everything I have thought and developed over the years, let alone those I may only think in the future, are on this page, yet. My basic strategy is to publish piecemeally, incrementally.