
Ahmed Ferzen/Ferzan R Midyat-Zilan

A Rose With the Names ... & strategies This page is for studying my names -- & nameful history.

Ferzan Midyat

My name -- with a typo, as registered officially. That is why this [less favorite of mine] is in copyright notices.

Ferzen R Midyat

The way I sign my name.

Probably, my most-often referred/recorded name -- inluding both of my university-graduation-record entries.

Ahmet Ferzen Midyat

As published in the high-school graduation record.

I had also mentioned 'R', but that was missing. There were other typos and omission(s), too.

Ahmet Ferzen R Midyat

Findable on my old diskette-labels, book-club member IDs, post-labels from subscribed magazines, etc.

My ex-full-name, until the introduction of mom-family name, and arabizing the spelling of Ahmet to Ahmed.

Ahmed Ferzen/Ferzan R Midyat-Zilan
or, Ahmed Ferzan/Ferzen R Midyat-Zilan

Full name. I may abbreviate this, as ARZ (in Ottoman the Earth, from Arabic arD), or as FRM, if not AFRM-Z.

cf. The caprices of the T.C.newspeak linguists, starting about 150 years, ago. Now, the letter 'z' may translate (to a friend-word in Arabic), as four different possibilities. For example, the z of zelqarneyn (tip-of-tongue) vs. z of arz (actually, a thick D in Arabic) are listing as 'z', both.

Allah was certainly able to (see forward &) craft against that later tribalism, too. I'm finding art.

As with interpreting the Quran (tefsir), how people list information about how this/that word was pronounced and understood by a people of this/that Arabic city/tribe, or as found in a poem.


Ahmed (uhh-med), was my very first name. In the hospital record, when I was born, as mom named me.

But next, at home, people thought up Ferzen, and/but in my national-ID record, that is "Ferzan."

Ahmed (the word from Arabic) is about appreciably-functioning, as well as (transitive verb) appreciating.

Without looking up the vocabulary I had inferred aHmed as the superlative of Hamd (as with superlatives such as akbar, arHam), as having the highest-rank in appreciating what is truly appreciable, for example, the Islamic case of appreciating Allah. Nothing changes, from the Islamic view-point -- for inferring from the term Ahmed. Whom Allah, the God, is appreciating most, are the wise people who appreciatingly acknowledge Him -- and heed Him, accordingly.

The prayer elHamdulillah, is reflecting the wisely-thankful point that Allah has crafted all of the valuable, giftful, what we have got. The (direct/"indirect") cause of all, is Allah, the Creator. (For example, He had/has crafted food for fitting our organism, and allowing/favoring us to find that.)

In Turkey, Ahmed is frequent -- misspelled as "Ahmet" in the turkish records.

Ahmed is one of the names of our prophet Muhammed (s.a.s.). That is a cause for popularity among muslims, as a name. (The name Muhammed is from the root Hamd, too.) That is why my mother, time-to-time, is telling her wish/plan to refer as Ahmed, but mostly, all call me Ferzen.

Yet another cause of popularity, is probably the popularity itself. That is, if first-coming to mind.

It appears that (finding from my old documents/records), I had started listing "Ahmet" in my full-name at around age of 17-18 (1986-87). First writing right, Ahmed, (not keeping the misspelling), probably around 2000.


for representing well What may a folder/menu have, if named Ahmed?


Ferzen (fair-zen) is my well-known name. The people I talk with, call me Ferzen.

Two different persons chose this to be my name, for different reasons, with a suffix difference (ferzende vs. ferzen). I am told, Ferzen means "Strong Light," and Ferzende was a hero, of a few centuries (millenia?), ago.

I looked up a vocabulary (of Ottoman). Ferzend is kid/son (cocuk/ogul, from Farsi).

Fer-zen could stand for light-casting? (If zen, from Farsi, is hitting-with, publishing, or throwing.)

The national registrars were asked to record that as Ferzen; but that was recorded Ferzan.

In T.C., such registry errors have troubled other people, too -- both in names, and surnames, at first-registering, and even in mid-life, when records may get "copied" into new registries.


Ferzan (fair-zun) means 1) knowing/scholar/wise 2) distinguished. Although found rare, not as rare as Ferzen.

Up until recent years, I kept correcting/insisting people that my name was 'Ferzen' not 'Ferzan', and only recently came to accept it, too, for listing in my full name "Ahmed Ferzen/Ferzan ..." (i.e: both are there, not single).

Even more recently, as I started using my names and initials for software design starting-points, the 'Ferzan' had added advantage because it saves me from double 'e's in a single menu (as would be if using 'Ferzen'.)


for representing well What may a folder/menu have, if named Ferzan?


R is the name I adopted myself, when I was an adolescent. Around 1981/82 (12/13)? A concept/dream of mine. (The letter 'R' was the first letter of my other plan, the imaginary firm that I was thinking. But they had no common point. Therefore 'R' was actually not short for anything.) I kept those daydreams private, although a lot of people, questioned what the 'R' in "full name/word." At most, they were only told that R was itself. No other word.

As a gift of Allah, after more than a two-decade hibernation, R is with a word. And I inform people, through these web-pages that, R was a (fancy for a remedy) world-wide justice organization - the archetype of armaze. R was a fuzzy formula/idea. In time, I render this formula, finer and finer, i.e: 'R' may go real, with armaze (arm-maze) - a maze'ing R (R-maze). The rest of 'R' framework (although unpublished, yet) may fit this, easily, too (when/if I publish/implement).

The letter 'R' in R:World is for my world-view, in full. Referring to myself, in name -- not only w.r.t. the justice-organization (that I termed armaze, afterward, and reflected the link yet after).

At first, 'R' was affiliative (suffix reminding a title or group-membership, denoting what I thought affiliating with).

Reminding the popular suffixes Jr., Sr., or M.D. The first two are w.r.t. the name-sharing human (father of Jr., son of Sr.), while the titles Ph.D. & M.D. (supposed to) qualify w.r.t. their fields.

'R' qualifies w.r.t. armaze-people (as we/they acknowledge/register/maze with him/her). I'm the first armaze'r -- in history, and as a root of those whom I ratify as R. (Although, in theory, the rating relativism could cause disconnected armaze people, hopefully, we will have that world-wide.)

Thus, for later referral, I was registering/hinting (prior to founding that organization) that 'R' in the signature that I had, fmr. Later, in high school (& as I had not founded the forces), namifying that, when with a full signature "Ferzen R Midyat" -- transferring the R to the middle; where the middle-name may customarily stand. There, the function of the nicknaming-adjective/name is fitting, too.

The desks and walls in our high school were as if for carving and writing. On my share, I kept carving there, with the registered-R (The letter "R" with a registered-trademark sign superscripted above-right).


Midyat (mid-yutt) is the father-family surname. A [feudal?] landlord, agha, family.

Prominent family. But was that a "timar" (or, other, formal vs. informal) agha title? I miss that information. Furthermore, the Ottoman timar system was not like feudalism in Europe.

Midyat is the name of the town, in the southeast of Turkey -- about directly north of Mecca, although afar. I'm told that, within the town of Midyat, the family was actually known as the house of Mehmed (mala Mehmed), but when in the last century, there was the surname law, this was registered as the town name, the way most agha families in other towns were registered, too.

That is all right, I think. Midyat is fine for identifying. Mehmed, as Ahmed is, a popular name in Turkey. Naming as "Mehmedoglu" (denoting descending from a Mehmed, cf. "Mehmed-son" if that were English), is not informative. From around Turkey, presumably, thousands of families, may list as "Mehmedoglu" -- although not any relative of any other "Mehmedoglu" of other towns.

I'm told that, in the last century, many/most Midyat town residents have migrated out of Midyat, including the Midyat family. (Other people may have migrated in, though. Midyat is not empty.)

My grandfather (the father of my father) Nuri was the town mayor, as well as agha, there. Before him, the leader was his uncle Suleyman, the father of my grandmother (the mother of my mother), Aliye (Midyat-)Zilan.

In Turkey, a governor is not elected. T.C. sends that. People elect their mayor (mostly, that is, except after some state-coups, the generals of which sent some mayors of some towns).

There is little information (for rec) here, [yet,] about my (Midyat & Zilan) family history (tree/DAG).


My grandmother was fond of telling me, how mercifulm her father was to people. My grandfather (the next generation), is known as a rather tough person. This may reflect the imprisonments, and exiles, in the post-war Turkey (starting in 1920s/1930s), against aghas, and sheikhs, and other leaders (feudal/spiritual/intellectual).

Visible in the photos that remain. Those who persevered these in their youth, appear tougher.

I do not expect this would entail any tyrannical attitude as a Midyat agha, though. Tolerating people of any faith, is the Islamic ruling (affording a cosmopolitan town). And presumably, the crafts-based demography of Midyat was lessening the order-related (that is, agha as a tough-boss of the villagers) tension of a work-hierarchy. Tough toward his family, & for talking with him.

Typical recent generation Midyat-family-member character, as I had perceived it, is a {self-important?, tough?, rough?} personality. This is what you would call it if you were to see at a home visit.

The "[self-]important" rating question is about the high-noses and voices. I'm non-judgmental whether that is appropriate, in their cases. But I had thought I'm different a lot, although I'm firm (including tough & rough, as appropriate), too. I think, I'm closer to the father of my grandmother.

Next, in 2002, I started appreciating Midyat'ness -- how that is fitting/reflecting my own personality (as I may reflect from personal history). A fancy word-structure, a reminding key name/term, around David (a.s.).

If we take "Midyat," into Arabic, as equivalent to "mdwd," then the consonants of it (what is meaningful, in Arabic writing; vowels being decidable) means either "where Dawud is", or "the Dawud'ness business/functioning" (with, "me" or "mi" structural-prefixes, respectively, before the "dwd" triplet of (root) consonants). I hope/expect to be deriving it right, Arabically.

"Midyad" is a common pronounciation, in place of the passport spelling "Midyat" even within Turkish/Kurdish sentence-context usage. And furthermore, with the end-of-the-word 't' usually corresponding to 'd' in Arabic, when transforming back and forth, from Arabic to Turkish, through word etymologies (only in the recent 150 years or so, the arbitrary differentiation has been invoked). Then, noticing that, 'y' is one of the (three) illet letters in Arabic, and it is equivalent to 'w', another illet letter, then this readily lets an equivalence of "Midyad" with "Midwad"/"mdwd."

The moral of the story is that, [almost] every attitude has its optimal context. A right fit, is a good thing. It could even save the world, cf. David (a.s.) vs. Goliath. Not yielding.

The most that a muslim may fast, is savm-ul-Dawudi (fasting like David (a.s.)). He was fasting every next day. Six months. How I kept fasting this decade has happened to match that, starting before I had thought about the word link to Midyatness. That is, not imitating intentionally, but a good gift, to have found the pattern there, too. (The pattern is the total. Six months. The exact choice of days, is Islamic optimal timing for me -- monday&thursday, first&last&mid3 days of lunar month, Rejeb&Shaban&RamaDan, & various valuable times, like first 10 days of Zilhijje & Muharrem.) I'm only opportunist for sawab, and fasting is trivial for me, especially, while staying at home. No opinion, what will happen in the future. For so far, having the extra likeness is lovely.


for representing well What may a folder/menu have, if named Midyat?


Zilan (zee-lun) is my mother clan's family name. (Rarely the surname. I know only my grandma, a maternal uncle of mine, and his family, if nobody else adapted, more recently). It is also the name of a town-or-so in the southeast part of Turkey. Sometimes, in chants, the adjective form is customary to read Zilî ("zee-leee"), instead of Zilanî ("zee-luh-neee"). As a contrast, I have never heard "Istanbulî," shortened as "Istî." i.e: You could refer/qualify me, through family, as Zilî, but through birth and/or residence, as Istanbulî, not "Istî."

Zilans were a line of Islamic sheikhs, too. Currently, there is no one we accept as a Zilan sheikh -- since more than 25 years, ago, when the last Zilan sheikh passed away to the other world. Be warned against any abuses, and against any false status claims. Sometimes I hear from witnesses telling essentially what could be in the league of horror stories, both in the name of humanity as well as Islam. (The abusive person(s) being from among the Zilan-clan in general. Not the surname.) In general, please do not let anyone abuse you or suggest to do something that does not make sense either Islamically, or even by plain common sense.

Oops, though, I've been (in late 2006) informed that, there is also another, and more populous, Zilan (Kurdish) clan/tribe. I hope that is not causing confusion, any way, because the naming Zilan-sheikhs, so far as I know, has (most probably) exclusively referred to our family -- whether that other clan has (possibly) also had sufi members/sheikhs, at one time, or another.

Our Zilî forefather, Sheikh Othman-iz-Zili (rh.a.), who migrated to Zilan (in 16th century, with his brother, who settled in another town also named Zilan), was from a town, Zila, in Iraq. (I was informed about Zila, by my maternal uncle, who told that around 2006/2007.) If they named the towns in Turkey as Zilan after arriving, that was presumably the suffix "-n" (Arabic, a/an), that is, "a Zila." But my uncle told, local people talking (in Koor-mun-jee), talking as "going to Zila." Therefore, I'm not sure, whether that was a suffix, or people confused that with that other tribe.

And certainly, please never let the abuse be in my name, for sure: Not a "relative," not a "friend," not even an impostor that may look exactly like me. You have the criteria for myself: Clear, reasonable, Islamic, NOT-money-collecting, etc. What would you need further against such abuses? I have always felt sorry for respectable names when, sometimes, either in the person's lifetime or after the death, a claim of favor on behalf of his/her name is left in some abusive hands. Here, I am warning on behalf of myself, and also on behalf of those who respect me (already, or eventually, as my works unfold). If you witness such a case, please inform me. Let's build the building the right way.

or, zilqarneyn

zElQarneyn is currently, my most favorite e-mail name -- I got in 2002.

The word, in Arabic, is transcribed as zilqarneyn/zelqarneyn/zulqarneyn, depending on the sentence-context. For sending your e-mail to me, zelqarneyn is probably the most fitting -- to address me with, "Ya Zelqarneyn!" (that is, "Oh, Zelqarneyn!" or "Hey Zelqarneyn!").

zilqarneyn is my nickname in various forums & twitter (first in 2009). I have, too.

A historical name (or, nick) of a human -- owning/achieving the two [complementary] (well-balanced).

For example, high status, both in this world and the other.

Applicable to other [complementary] two-wing prowesses, too.

As he/this is mentioned in the Islamic holy book Quran, the literal text is interpretable for a pattern (or, many), too. For example, one that I thought, is about electro-shielding.

From the history, Alexander the Great is among those listed as (a probable) "the Zulqarneyn."

May I derive that, from Zil[an], too? That is, the double-wing Zilî?

I'm interested in both this-wordly, and that is, w.r.t. the other-wordly, too. Following Islam, as the harmony set up by Allah, for our both-wordly bliss. Within the this-wordly, I have interest in both the programmable-gadgetry (as a programming-techie), as well as in the human (& with a psychology B.A.), and with a harmony of this spectrum, too. For example, interactivity strategies.


For a flight & fight strategy, I may specify/codify the Zilan name with the Quranic Zulqarneyn (a.s.) stories.

That is, the way I include the David (a.s.) pattern toward Midyatness.

for more info ...

For networking, respectability is valuable. The name is for referring to the person. As far as the person is respectable, talking with his/her fine names, is a fond mnemonic. Muhammed (s.a.s.) is known to have stressed naming children with fine names (and renaming adult people whose names were unacceptable/paganic).

AFRMZ junior
project'ing from what I'm & what I want

To name the mental children of mine (this/that program, or article), with the names of mine, may feel familiar.

That is why the suffix "Jr." is familiar -- because that is popular to name the boy after the father.

I keep crafting AFRMZ into various projects -- like basing a menu/etc., on my own names and initials.

For example, if with acrostic (first-letter listing) of, 'A','H','M','E','D', or other name of mine, that menu should have/fit an overall character of this name, and preferrably, in the order of the letters, from the first to the last item.

A menu item 'A' (within a menu of AFRM-Z acrostic), has to represent Ahmedness, well.

This kind of standardizing, may have mnemonic value for the people who use the software.

The pros and cons of standardizing, is well-known. The craftsmanship & taste in applying the standard to novel issues, is the key for achieving high -- & elHamdoolillah, I'm working out well.

In the future, this page may become quite popular, for both people who want to know what pattern is within what I write, as well as for other authors who would like to work with the strategy I have.

Detailing the specification, for differentiating myself, is wise in the sense of flight & fight, too. The finer defined, the less likely to be similar "by chance." Thus, facilitating catching the copycats.

Rather than target the modest/honest look alikes (fan-flattery, as well as rivalry), I am concerned in busting the theft that intruders and/or the plagiarists (copycats) do. To sort out the evil types is not trivial, but inshaellah not impossible, either. Reserving the right for fiercest competition, I pray, requesting from Allah that, I may devastate/destroy only the truly-evil, and never get hurt myself, nor hurting other good people. That is the elephants & grass metaphor, because I may target only those I see/find. If we both act tough, the sinister & stupid evil may be crushed, not being able to scale to our height. When the elephants go fighting/dancing, the grass is crushed.

w.r.t. four

AFRMZ (that is, AF/FRM-Z) is a fantastic theme for me, for building up this/that. The four is yet another theme I work out. Inshaellah, I may harmonize the two. Tentatively (or, not), I tend to think/categorize in that order.

As with the overlap of the normal-curves of female- & male-related data. For example, there may exist women taller than most men, although men tend to be taller as a category.


The spy (or, "mole"), the "bug," concept is not only the case in the world (conspiracy theories about subversive groups, as well as visible oppressions). For "debugging" your software or business strategies, those metaphors may have similarities, too. Therefore, I think of relating a few (perhaps true-history) cases, as patterns of faults that may bug. This method is good for automatizing the finding of the bugs, and reporting that to the businessperson, operator, or programmer, who wishes to verify his/her own strategies or software.

Quite nothing is new in this, but the combo is new, I think. In case of people who knew both strategy-debugging techniques, and those who also had well-thought about the conspiracy-theories, there is no new concept, but noticing their both fruitfully resembling the other, may help "debugging" some real-world conspiracies (patterns of infiltrations, etc), too. So, historical facts and conspiracy-theories become the new methodology, or art, of strategic programming.

My maternal grandfather, sheikh Muhammed Emin (rh.a.) . My mother was 3 (he was 40), at his contracting pneumonia, and passing away to the other world (in 1948), because of a police chief (unrightfully) jailing him . The judge who knew him well, came to get him out in the morning, but his passing the night in jail, was sufficient.

By the way, I overheard in 2011 (or, 2010) that, the police chief who put my grandfather to jail, was "Selanikli" (as Sabbateans are known, because they had been mainly residents of Salonika, in Greece, until 1924). That bit was a bit after I got into knowing the history of sabbataists (starting in 2009). In other words, if the thing looks like "chicken-&-egg," that is not because of priorly (in 2009 or before) knowing that my grandfather was killed by a "Selanikli." In any case, the facts which I write, should be talking by oneselves, rather than left to guess the "motivators".

The cause why the police chief thought of jailing him, was his (Islamic) beard. Incidentally, "Mein Kampf" (written by Adolf Hitler) tells of how Hitler had surprise upon seeing a "(Jew in) caftan" and thought of him as a foreign element -- in contrast to the other Jewish people he knew, and was tolerating, even admiring (until then). That sort of suit-&-tie fanaticism, intolerance to non-local costumes, is "normal" to some newspapers/etc in Turkey, even in the 21st century, who like to publish photos of muslims in caftan, in some mostly religious (muslim) villages, and listing those to be "little Iran," etc. Ironically, those newspapers are known (by some) to be sabbataist (sabbatean) and/or mason (most turkish masons thought to be sabbataists). Therefore, by conspiracy theory, I may think of that critical moment of Hitler, happening while some sabbataist was in synchrony with (bewitching, thought-controlling) him -- and the sort of Jew whom Hitler had shock against, was presumably the sort that was enemy of sabbataists (and keep in mind that, Hitler had non-hostility agreement with Turkey, thus not killing the sabbataists, but other Jews of Europe). So, Hitler might have been a puppet, too -- at least, in his critical decision points.

Now, keep that in mind as a pattern of bugs that may hijack (by puppetizing) some process.

Before Hitler, Henry Ford (writing a book, "International Jew") had concerns against the world Jewish network. Hitler's bit was about combining the concerns, with the "solution" against "foreign elements" that he had seen from the killings of millions of civilians (many call that a genocide), which had taken place in Turkey, around 1915, against the christian minorities (who had been living there without a problem, through centuries).

Recall that, the "cause" why that police chief was jailing my grandfather, was "because" my grandfather had a beard (Islamic). That sort of intolerant excesses has been customary within the last century, or a bit more. Sabbataists (and masons) being vast minority oneselves, when they got hold of the state (mainly with the 1908 coup against the Ottoman Sultan, but the decades before that, may have been their (Jewish vs. Armenian) coming to the government, too). After that, not only the christian minorities (Armenians counting as "conspirators" of Russia, Syriac (Süryani) counting as "conspirators" of British, Greeks standing for Greece) who were targets of state in (or, around) 1915, massively, not only those cases that truly went to fight with Russia or (in Syria) with British, but civilians at home, too, were targets. Not only that, that absurd thing continues (and people suspect that, those who assault are (still) sabbataists and masons), now, against the muslim majority, by trying to marginalize some or the other group, and actually trying to list all of Islam, as if (religious) Islam were a "foreign conspiracy" with Iran or Saudi Arabia.

If the "minorities" (& majority) would identify 1908 coup to be not the state they knew, but something else, then they would maybe resist, rather than trust "the state" behavior, around 1915.

Now, keep that in mind as a pattern of bugs hijacking the state-management mechanism.

Ironically, if there would have been a fraction of truth in the "warnings" (actually, slanders) against Muslims, or in case the sloganeers were believing their own words, the things would have been a lot different, because sabbataists (& masons) being vastly minority in Turkey, if Muslims, let alone working for Iran, if only would get heavy weapons from Iran, or money (toward weapons) from Saudi Arabia, then sabbataists would have been crushable, like maybe no insect in history may have ever been crushed. That is not happening, but their noisy slander continues, as they try to marginalize, for trimming the relatively-religious muslims -- how a (1997) general (allegedly) told of "thinking" wiping Konya (city in Turkey) out of the map) -- presumably, just how the Christians were targets, in 1915.

Forum: . . (Fair Menu . . . . . Fault Report? . . . . . Remedy for your case . . . . . Noticed Plagiarism?)

Referring#: 3
Last-Revised (text) on June 24, 2011
Written by: Ahmed Ferzan/Ferzen R Midyat-Zila (or, Earth)
Copyright (c) [2002,] 2003, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2011 Ferzan Midyat. All rights reserved.