
affirm & affirm

If there is a need to avoid problematic cases, affirm an affirmer-rep, to filter out:

Those are two, or three people - i.e: whether the affirmer, is the infirm, too. e.g:

a framework, for a fighter

The toughest resistance, is with a fight. An affirmer-rep (of infirmaze) is a type of armazer, in defense of a fortune, reputation, & mind.e.g: to fight ill-effects of old-age, or through his manic-episode, not to let damage himself, or the people around.

That is about illness. In other cases, if there exist biochemical, and/or electromagnetic and/or genies attacks, it is the armaze, for any people. i.e: An affirmer-rep (affirm-to-affirm) is personalized for an extra need, with the affirm&affirm protocol (cf. the tasawwuf-order fight against satan-etc. electro-case. Avoid charlatans, though).

a regency?

A regent would manage the resources. i.e: A regent is only an (unnecessarily) extreme case of an affirmer-rep.

When the affirmer is not the infirm, that may resemble a regent, too. But mostly, a regency may mean that the infirm is not-active. To affirm an affirmer-rep, is a freer framework, with a wider range, where that type of regency is only an extreme-subrange.


A psych-problem, is about


Whether unavoidable, or at least, high-risk. Probably, it is diathesis-stress. e.g: diabethes, and schizophrenia, have a genetic high-risk, if it existed in your relatives, too. e.g: If your father was diabethic, you should keep watchful of it, for yourself, too.

Then, you should appreciate the fine-living rules-of-thumb (preventive), that a firm, or a friendship-circle of similar high-risk people, probably with professional medics with them, too, may suggest. i.e: When there is risk, we should maze with the people who work against it.

e.g: A schizophrenia, or a heart-attack, is triggerable, with the precursor stress, very especially if there was a genetic-factor. The case is probably, if not exactly, triggerable through genies, as popularly known with the name magnoon. The popular image about it, as I infer, does confuse the precursor obsessions-compulsions which the genies can do, with the later possibility of the triggered-schizophrenia. If to avoid it, a hardy-personality (a firm-forceful personality), a few friendly people (infirmaze, etc.), and a warm family, is a fighter-force, to defend against the pressure that may mount, upon genies (or, the equivalent electronic) attacks. An infirmazer-rep, or a few, may filter&reject (potentially) hurtful compulsions (or, manic attacks, etc.), too.

a leaf, in a wind?

When a person has insistence/force with a principle, that is not probably overridable.


But if that person does not have an opinion about an issue and/or if there are various aspects of it, then a lobbier may juggle balls, to lobby/puppetize that person to do what the witch-being wants.

There, the mazer med-ed/infirmaze way for referral when that person has heard the issue, but does not understand (what is important with) it, may offer a remedy. i.e: Instead of attempt to guess by yourself, request (RFC =?= affirmer) the opinion of every involved people, next to do it yourself, with your own informed opinion/preference. i.e: moo-shuh-wah-rah (Islamic) i.e: explicit request-of-opinion, when there is not your principle about it. It may please other people, not only when you would otherwise go wrong, but also as they would have the option to prefer what is valuable for them, although it is neutral to yourself. (Even the pigeons are known to prefer-the-preference, even when the preference does not really matter for them. i.e: do not limit people unnecessarily, when a moo-shuh-wah-rah is feasible, and cf. Hendek-war, too. Time-to-time, a fine opinion, from an unexpected person, is the winner). This is firm, as opposed to authoritarian pressure, upon which the oppressed may tweak it - as so often acknowledged about women&men (the authoritarian male, and the more attractive female, are the most to hear lies, as people want to tweak their preferences).

Further Reading


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Last-Revised (text) on Apr. 5, 2005 -- not published to www, until Mar. 16 2009
Written by: Ahmed Ferzen/Ferzan R Midyat-Zilan (or, Earth)
Copyright (c) [2002,2005,] 2009 Ferzan Midyat. All rights reserved.