

This document is an arm of the bifido machinery.

If you wish finding all of it as a single webpage, see the bifido (all).

Do It Yours

Do it your-style -- to have made it "too-optimized-for-yourself" so that it is not stealable-by-stupid(or,any)-thieves.

For example, a person's DNA (capacities, overall genetic nature), mitochondrial-DNA (energy-profile for action), past training (such as if you are already master in some martial arts that has become as if your nature), height, weight, personal-preferences, may be among the aspects for fine-tuning a personalized design.

Design it to be optimized for yourself. Do not generalize it to others (such that someone who is lobbying into your mind, will not be able to simply steal it when you answer the questions asked to your mind, for "hypothetical people"), but you may adapt your design (or, newly design) for a person you trust.

opposite of easy is hard

Like in thermodynamics (heat flows from hot to cold section), if something is easier/easiest to do, the opposite direction of it may be harder/hardest. So, if you are tuning something for your own purposes maximally, some others may find it harder/hardest to use in the reverse direction (against you, or so). The thieves/parrots (especially if they are cursedly stupid) may find adapting-it-to-their-own-purposes an insurmountable problem.

Optimizing to yourself (the modes/modules of yourself) facilitates your split-second re-use of them (both at tactic & strategy levels, WITHOUT having to "prepare detailed solutions" beforehand), while others may not necessarily be able to think (to "fill in the blanks") never ever. In other words, this facilitates your simply blocking out the thought-controllers that ask your mind "what would you do, if situation were such & such?" because you may simply respond to such thoughts with the standard words "If I would be in such a situation, then I would easily find a good solution, biiznillah" ("biiznillah" means "with permission of the God").

In computer-programming, that strategy is called "lazy evaluation" & is often useful to have less costs (if a thing may be not necessarily useful, or there're lots of alternatives and few may be useful), and in this case, the extra value of it is its disabling your enemies (their copying you and/or their knowing at what position to counteract you by firstly knowing your detailed plans).

Tai Chi people furthermore talk about developing Tan Tien as the extra (super-)power. (I write how I think, but surely others think these things, too, for example, in one interview (former FBI/NYPD (or so) tactical-team, to interview) about immediately responding to terrorist assaults, the valuableness of prior training was mentioned as having it in one's "muscle-memory" [JAG] (although, no mention of personalizing it to the individuals of that team, necessarily).)

In engineering, it may be called "black boxes" that you know how to implement but others don't and they ask you to prepare it, to later use it (maybe against you). (Not to be confused with the swindler verbiage of evolutionists calling things that nobody knows as "black boxes" and at that, what they claim to be "black boxes" actually contradict the Holy Books, the words of the real Creator, and as such, we know that such "black boxes" the evolutionists try to fool you, may be only impossibles.)

Even after having seen what you did in various situations, they have to memorize & map them to other situations. Patchy/incomplete generalizations, that is. (They're artificially-"intelligent" cursedly-stupid parrots.)

That is, bi-fidelity (optimizing for both your abilities (& constraints/opportunities of the situation) & against the weaknesses of your enemies) actually one sense of the word bifido, applicable at both strategic & tactic level. A compatible alternative sense of the word bifido is the (dynamics) formula b[i]F[i] (whether formulated as Newtonian or Lagrangean) force/etc equations, that are your own body/training parameters.

Keeping things personalized to yourself, may help against slanders, too (as thought-controllers may try to stain you by stealing from others to you, or doing the vice versa (stealing from you to others) but claiming it against you). Same thing as in inventing something, while "zeitgeistly" thieves are stealing from you & others, & as in that case, not inventing patentable/packageable/carryable things, but optimizing with the existing best-practices (such as w3c best-practices documents, patents-that-had-been-used-&-popular-&-now-expired, & your own existing heritage & little design touches, may make the real money, & really harm the enemy, while they try to hegemonize around).

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Last-Revised (text) on Jan. 19, 2018
Written by: Ahmed Ferzan/Ferzen R Midyat-Zila (or, Earth) . . . @zilqarneyn
Copyright (c) 2018 Ferzan Midyat. All rights reserved.